Oh my dear friends! Who could have predicted that mortgages would keep increasing?

Sadly, no apartments were left on Earth... You decided to search and search until you realized that it could almost be cheaper to rent an apartment in... space? That's right, you say goodbye to your friends, you pack up your good old computer, and you leave for outer space. The only issue is that your rent is still super expensive. Fortunately, your job allows you to work from home! Unfortunately, the harsh conditions of space won't allow you to easily pay off your mortgage.

Instructions for the game:

Space is cruel and you can die very quickly. Don't worry, hit the Reset button, explore the rules of the world and you will find your way out of the mortgage cycle. You may only live 20 seconds on your first try.

  • Use the mouse and click on the various items to move the space-guy and interact with items

The space station contains the following machines :

  • Computer - $$$
  • Oxygen generator - O2
  • Water dispanser - water
  • Small hod - food
  • Hydroponic farm - food 
  • Toilet - human water
  • Water clearing machine - water

You have to manage the following ressources (left panel) :

  • Air (Oxygen)
  • Water
  • Eat
  • Human Waste
  • Dept $$

The goal of the game is to work enough so that you can pay your mortgage.

Space radiation can make vital appliances in your apartment catch fire. You'll need to extinguish them; otherwise, they'll burn down. Moreover, keep track of all the resources you need to survive. If you have too much oxygen, you'll suffocate; if you don't have enough, you'll suffocate too.

Try to maintain a balance between each resource. If there's too much CO2, try to convert it into more oxygen. If you need to pee, try to use the toilet. If you're hungry, go to the kitchen and don't forget to water your plants. If you manage to do all that, you will probably be able to have time to work and pay for your rent.

Our tests show that the game can be passed on the fifth or sixth try, good luck paying off your mortgage.

This is an open-source project under an MIT license, available at GitHub.

Devices on map

(If you are constantly dying from too much oxygen, turn off your oxygen generator!)


  • @rewin (Andrei Yamaev, coding, organization, game design)
  • @gobbe (Robin Carlson, music, art, game design)
  • @thierrybeaulieu (Thierry Beaulieu, coding, game design)
  • @nickynah (Nicky Donna, coding, game design)

Special thanks to:

  • @naomijub (Naomi Rosenfield, coding, game design)

Please report any bugs/crashes.


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Fun game, I like that it makes you figure everything out (and you do, and then eventually win :)). Some of the text on the hydroponics and the message from the water filtration system don’t fit on-screen.


Congratulations on paying off your mortgage! Our company appreciates your comments and will have your home improvement ready as soon as the jam is over:)